Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sammy Girl

Sammy is an itty bitty little thing and just full of spunk. She had a hard couple of days after
her spay, but since then has been great. She is the first grey I have ever seen who is not
totally food motivated, she will walk away from her food bowl to go outside with the other dogs.
She has been totally accident free in the house since we have gotten her. She is a big collector.
She can hardly walk in or out of a room without something in her mouth, but has has not harmed
anything yet, even stuffies are treated very gingerly. Sammy crates easily for a cookie, sleeps
thru the night. When she gets very excited she twists and turns and barks and barks and barks.
She is also a little pully on leash, not bad but I am going to work with her more to get her to
mellow on lead.